Sunday 27 January 2013

Gmail inbox feature

How to Track If Your Email Was Opened or Clicked in Gmail

Receiving read receipts is sometimes very necessary. Especially when you have sent an important email and you want confirmation that the person it is intended for has read it. Usually desktop clients like Microsoft Outlook have it. Personal Gmail does not. Read receipts are available only for Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government customers.

RightInbox is the tool for you to introduce email tracking for Gmail. RightInbox is a Firefox and Chrome extension that seamlessly integrates with Gmail and brings many email management features to your personal Gmail account.

Let’s see some of the key features of RightInbox.

Track Your Emails in Gmail

RightInbox adds three new buttons to your compose window. We will be talking about the Send Now and Send Later  scheduling buttons a bit later. First, the Track Now button is the one that has to be clicked if you want to know if your email has landed in the recipients inbox or has been ignored, or worse deleted without being read.


Compose your email and click on the Track button to activate it. After you send the email (or schedule it to be sent later with the RightInbox scheduling feature), and the recipient opens the email in his account, you will receive a notification email alerting you that the email has been read. The tracking feature also lets you know when a link from your message is clicked. The link tracking feature is helpful because it will let you know if the email was just opened or was it also seriously read by the recipient.

Here’s a RightInbox video demonstrating the simple tracking feature:

Schedule Your Emails

In our busy times, email scheduling is a productivity tool. Considering that people work in different time-zones and some emails are not only date-sensitive but also time sensitive, scheduling emails should have been a default Gmail feature. RightInbox enables you to schedule your emails by using the two buttons that lie next to the tracking button. You can click the Send Later button and choose a time frame to send your email. It can be in 1,2, or 4 hours, tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, or a specific time.


As you can see from the screen above, a thoughtful (though logical) feature is that RightInbox has a field for the time-zone. The emails which are scheduled for later, are kept in the Drafts folder. You can choose to delete them if you change your mind about sending them. When they are sent, the emails are moved into the Sent folder. RightInbox does not change the way email normally moves around in Gmail.

RightInbox is currently in beta. Later, premium plans may be introduced having more features, along with the free version. Do you think these two features fill the loophole in Gmail?

Monday 10 December 2012

Build and deployment of Oracle Service Bus (OSB) projects

Build and deployment of Oracle Service Bus (OSB) projects using Ant/Weblogic scripts(WLS)
-Setting Ant_Home:
-Creating the,build.xml file
-Creating file
-Creating file
-Running Ant commands
•Issues can be faced
•Mavenising the AntBuild Script
•Changes to be done in build.xml

In OSB Projects, we generally use either eclipse IDE or work directly in sbconsole. If we need to build and deploy some of the projects
from the current server to a different server, it involves a manual process of creating the jar and exporting it.
The whole process can be automated with the use of ANT / WLST scripts from Oracle. These scripts provide us with the facility to import
a project jar to sbconsole and again export a group of projects present in the server in jar form that can be used in other servers.
This document will provide an easy way to build and deploy the OSB projects.
And also deployment of configuration JAR is performed by WLST. Basically there is three individual operations(creating jar, importing jar,
exporting jar) are executing in the script. To make three individual operations work in sequence automatically mavenisation can be

Steps for setting Ant_Home:

•Download the ant file with .zip extension from “” and rename the folder to “ant”.
•Set environmental variables JAVA_HOME to your Java environment, ANT_HOME to the directory you uncompressed Ant to, and add %ANT_HOME%/bin
to your PATH.
•Once it is set, run the “ant” command in command promt. It will give
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed

Steps for creating the, build.xml file:


Create a folder in sworkspace. Now first create file with the name and place the

# /Oracle/Middleware
wls.username = weblogic uersname
wls.password = weblogic password
wls.server = localhost:port
Internal Use 3
Oracle Service Bus Configuration
# properties for workspace export
config.project="Configuration Name"
# location for creating the jar with a file name
config.jar= /sbconfig.jar
config.subprojects="Sub Projects to be added"
#Directory location
# export properties
export.project = None
# location for exporting the jar with file name
export.jar = /sbconfigExport.jar
export.customFile = None
# import properties
import.project = None
import.jar = /sbconfig.jar
#location for imorting the jar with file name,same as create
#file name.
import.customFile = /cust.xnl
# customisation file location(optional)

2. Now create a file with the name build.xml and place the following code.

arguments="${wls.username} ${wls.password} ${wls.server} ${export.project}
${export.jar} ${export.customFile}">

arguments="${wls.username} ${wls.password} ${wls.server} ${import.project} ${import.jar} ${import.customFile}">

location(mentioned in
the file)

fork="true" failonerror="true" maxmemory="768m">

3. Now create a file with the name and place the following code .

from java.util import HashMap
from java.util import HashSet
from java.util import ArrayList
from import FileInputStream
from import Refs
from com.bea.wli.config.customization import Customization
from import ALSBImportOperation
import sys
# Entry function to deploy project configuration and resources
# into a ALSB domain
def importToALSBDomain():
SessionMBean = None
print 'Attempting to import :', importJar, "on ALSB Admin Server listening on :", adminUrl
theBytes = readBinaryFile(importJar)
print 'Read file', importJar
sessionName = createSessionName()
print 'Created session', sessionName
SessionMBean = getSessionManagementMBean(sessionName)
print 'SessionMBean started session'
ALSBConfigurationMBean = findService(String("ALSBConfiguration.").concat(sessionName),
print "ALSBConfiguration MBean found", ALSBConfigurationMBean
print 'Jar Uploaded'
if project == "None":
Internal Use 6
Oracle Service Bus Configuration
print 'No project specified, additive deployment performed'
alsbJarInfo = ALSBConfigurationMBean.getImportJarInfo()
alsbImportPlan = alsbJarInfo.getDefaultImportPlan()
importResult = ALSBConfigurationMBean.importUploaded(alsbImportPlan)
SessionMBean.activateSession(sessionName, "Complete test import with customization using wlst")
print 'ALSB project', project, 'will get overlaid'
alsbJarInfo = ALSBConfigurationMBean.getImportJarInfo()
alsbImportPlan = alsbJarInfo.getDefaultImportPlan()
operationMap = alsbImportPlan.getOperations()
print 'Default importPlan'
set = operationMap.entrySet()
abort = false
#list of created ref
createdRef = ArrayList()
for entry in set:
ref = entry.getKey()
op = entry.getValue()
#set different logic based on the resource type
type = ref.getTypeId
if op.getOperation() == ALSBImportOperation.Operation.Create:
print 'Unable to import a service account or a service provider on a target system', ref
abort = true
elif op.getOperation() == ALSBImportOperation.Operation.Create:
#keep the list of created resources
if abort == true :
print 'This jar must be imported manually to resolve the service account and service provider dependencies'
print 'Modified importPlan'
importResult = ALSBConfigurationMBean.importUploaded(alsbImportPlan)
if importResult.getFailed().isEmpty() == false:
print 'One or more resources could not be imported properly'
#customize if a customization file is specified
#affects only the created resources
if customFile != "None" :
print 'Loading customization File', customFile
print 'Customization applied to the created resources only', createdRef
iStream = FileInputStream(customFile)
customizationList = Customization.fromXML(iStream)
filteredCustomizationList = ArrayList()
setRef = HashSet(createdRef)
# apply a filter to all the customizations to narrow the target to the created resources
for customization in customizationList: print customization newcustomization = customization.clone(setRef)
SessionMBean.activateSession(sessionName, "Complete test import with customization using wlst")
print "Deployment of : " + importJar + " successful"
print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
if SessionMBean != None:

# Utility function to print the list of operations
def printOpMap(map):
set = map.entrySet()
for entry in set:
op = entry.getValue()
print op.getOperation(),
ref = entry.getKey()
print ref
# Utility function to print the diagnostics
def printDiagMap(map):
set = map.entrySet()
for entry in set:
diag = entry.getValue().toString()
print diag
# Utility function to read a binary file
def readBinaryFile(fileName):
file = open(fileName, 'rb')
bytes =
return bytes
# Utility function to create an arbitrary session name
def createSessionName():
sessionName = String("SessionScript"+Long(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString())
return sessionName
# Utility function to load a session MBeans
def getSessionManagementMBean(sessionName):
SessionMBean = findService("SessionManagement", "")
return SessionMBean
# IMPORT script init
# import the service bus configuration
# argv[1] is the export config properties file
print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]

4. Now create a file with the name and place the following code .

from import FileInputStream
from import FileOutputStream
from java.util import ArrayList
from java.util import Collections
from import EnvValueTypes
from com.bea.wli.config.env import EnvValueQuery;
from com.bea.wli.config import Ref
from com.bea.wli.config.customization import Customization
from com.bea.wli.config.customization import FindAndReplaceCustomization
import sys
# Utility function to load properties from a config file
def exportAll():
ALSBConfigurationMBean = findService("ALSBConfiguration", "")
print "ALSBConfiguration MBean found"
print project
if project == "None" :
ref = Ref.DOMAIN
collection = Collections.singleton(ref)
if passphrase == None :
print "Export the config"
theBytes = ALSBConfigurationMBean.export(collection, true, None)
else :
print "Export and encrypt the config"
theBytes = ALSBConfigurationMBean.export(collection, true, passphrase)
else :
ref = Ref.makeProjectRef(project);
print "Export the project", project
collection = Collections.singleton(ref)
theBytes = ALSBConfigurationMBean.exportProjects(collection, passphrase)
aFile = File(exportJar)
out = FileOutputStream(aFile)
print "ALSB Configuration file: "+ exportJar + " has been exported"
if customFile != "None":
print collection
query = EnvValueQuery(None, Collections.singleton(EnvValueTypes.WORK_MANAGER), collection, false, None, false)
customEnv = FindAndReplaceCustomization('Set the right Work Manager', query, 'Production System Work Manager')
print 'EnvValueCustomization created'
customList = ArrayList()
print customList
aFile = File(customFile)
out = FileOutputStream(aFile)
Customization.toXML(customList, out)
print "ALSB Dummy Customization file: "+ customFile + " has been created"
# EXPORT script init
print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]

Running command through Ant Script:

•Open command promt, and copy the location where the Build.xml file is present.

•First run the command “ant export”,to export the jar in specified location.

•Then run the command “ant importToWLServer”,to deploy the jar into weblogic server.

•Next run the command “ant exportFromWLServer”,(optional ) to again create a jar depending on whatever your sbconsole is having. And this jar can be used to deploy it into different server.

Issues can be faced:

•In the time of running the ant command, errors may arise like java:13

Maximum probabality is the jar problem, The launcher jar org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.201.R35x_v20090715.jar is not
present in {eclipse.home}/plugins/ location.
You can search the jar from your middleware the jar with source code

• At the time of importing the jar you may get error like - Import Error,No Module name config.( line 7)


check the below jars are present with proper version, Basically there is a jar dependency in the time of middleware

com.bea.common.configfwk_1.5.0.0.jar {osb.home}/modules
com.bea.core.xml.xmlbeans_2.1.0.0_2-5-1.jar {osb.home}/modules
sb-kernel-api.jar {osb.home}/lib

Mavenising the AntBuild Script:

We can mavenise the build script using pom.xml. So using this we can atomize the whole script .For that it needs to add a pom.xml file, and also modify build.xml file a bit. For that first create a pom.xml file and place this code

Choose your grop ID
Choose your Artifact Id
Choose your project name









Changes to be done in build.xml

Add this properties in your build.xml file

/cust.xml" />

After Mavenising this, delete the file from the folder. In build.xml file just place the build.
properties file contents.
And Now Run the command “mvn compile” then every ant step will be automatized.


• The Definitive Guide to SOA: Oracle Service Bus

Sunday 9 December 2012

Sunday Sunspense By Radio Mirchi

Aaina — Sisir Kumar Mazumder.mp3
Akashbani - Saradindu Bandopadhyay.mp3
Ami Bhoot - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Anath Babur Bhoy - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Badur Bhivishika- Satyajit ray .mp3
Banku Babur Bandhu — Satyajit Roy.mp3
Batikbabu - Satyajit ray.mp3
Bhoot Bhobisyat - Saradindu Bandopadhay.mp3
Bhuto - Satyajit ray.mp3
Bhuture - Narayan Gongopadhay.mp3
Bipin Chowdhurir Sritibhrom - Satyajit ray.mp3
Bishful-Satyajit Roy.mp3
Bohurupi - Saradindu Bandyopadhyay.mp3
Brazil er Kalo Bagh — Satyajit Ray.mp3
Brihot Chanchu — Satyajit ray.mp3
Brown Saheber Bari - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Choto Karta - Saradindu 8andopadhyay.mp3
Dehantor - Saradindu Bandopadhyay.mp3
Dhurjotibabur Planchit - Himadrikishore Dasgupta.mp3
Durger Moto Sei Sarita — Sunil Gangopadhyay.mp3
Feluda Adventure - Feludar Goendagiri - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Feluda Adventure - Ghurghutiar Ghotona - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Feluda Adventure - Golok Dham Rahoshyo - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Feluda Adventure — Jahangirer Swarnamudra — Satyajit Roy.mp3
Feluda Adventure - Samaddar Er Chabi - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Feluda Adventure - Sheyal Debota Rahoshyo - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Firtz - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Gagan Chowdhuryr Studio - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Golper Seshe - Premendra Mitra.mp3
Hatir Dater Kaj - Premendra Mitra.mp3
Kaktarua - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Kalo Morog - Arun Ain.mp3
Kalo Morog - Saradindu Bandopadhyay.mp3
Khagam — Satyajit Ray.mp3
Konkal - Rabindranath Tagore.mp3
Kutum-Katam - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Lakhpoti - Satyajit Ray.mp3
Lalosa — Joyosri Ray Mitra.mp3
Load shedding - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Mahuni Kuthite Ek Raat - Premendra Mitra.mp3
Majh Rater Call - Premendra Mitra.mp3
Makorsar Ros - Saradindu Bandopadhyay.mp3
Maurkanthi Jelly - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Medal - Bibhutibhusan Bandyopadhyay.mp3
Mohesher Mohajatra - Parsuraam.mp3
Momeputuler Jadughar - Ajit Kumar Haiet.mp3
Monkey's Paw - w.w. Jechob.mp3
Moron Bhomra - Saradindu Bandopadhyay.mp3
Mr sashmoler Sesh Ratri - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Mriganko Babur Ghatona - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Muraribabur Almari - Said Mujtaba Siraj.mp3
Muraribabur table ghori - Said Mujtaba Siraj.mp3
Nil Atonko - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Niruttar - Saradindu Bandopadhyay.mp3
Ondhokarey - Saradindu Bandopadhyay.mp3
Onko sir Golapi Babu r Tipu - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Palash Dangar Shamshane — Ajeyo Ray.mp3
Prof. Sonkur Ovijaan - Dr. Sheringer Smaronsakti - Satyajit ray.mp3
Prof. Sonkur Ovijaan - Maru Rahasya - Satyajit_Ray.mp3
Prof. Sonkur Ovijaan — Professor Sonku 0 Corvus — Satyajit Roy.mp3
Prof. Sonkur Ovijaan - Professor Sonku O Chiching - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Prof. Sonkur Ovijaan - Professor Sonku 0 Frankenstein - Satyajit ray.mp3
Prof. Sonkur Ovijaan - Professor Sonku O Golok Rahasya - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Prof. Sonkur Ovijaan - Professor Sonku 0 Har — Satyajit Roy.mp3
Prof. Sonkur Ovijaan - Professor Sonku 0 Khoka — Satyajit Ray.mp3
Prof. Sonkur Ovijaan - Professor Sonku 0 Makao - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Prof. Sonkur ovijaan - Professor Sonku O vut - Satyajit Ray.mp3
Prof. Sonkur Ovijaan - Sonkur Sanirdasha - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Professor Hiji Bij Bij — Satyajit Roy.mp3
Protidhwoni - Saradindu Bandopadhyay.mp3
Rahasya Kuthir Rani - Manobendra pal.mp3
Ramdhoner Bansi — Satyajit Roy.mp3
Ratanbabu Aar Sei Lokta - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Sadhonbabur Sandeho - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Saheb Barir Rahasya - uttam Ghosh.mp3
Septopasher Khide - Satyajit Roy.mp3
shibu Aar Rakhhoser Kotha — Satyajit Ray.mp3
Sobuj Chosma - Saradindu Bandopadhyay.mp3
Sobuj Manush — Premendra Mitra.mp3
Sobuj Manush - Satyajit Ray.mp3
Tarini Khuro Er Golpo - Kheloaar Tarini Khuro — Satyajit Ray.mp3
Tarini Khuro Er Golpo - Conway Castler Pretatta — Satyajit Roy.mp3
Tarini Khuro Er Golpo - Dhumolgorer Hunting Lodge - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Tarini Khuro Er Golpo - Dumnigorer Manushkheko - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Tarini Khuro Er Golpo - Lukhnow er Duel — Satyajit Roy.mp3
Tarini Khuro Er Golpo - Tarini Khuro 0 Betal - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Telephone - Satyajit Roy.mp3
Toep — Narayan Gongopadhay.mp3
Voutik Palonko - Bibhutibhusan Bandyopadhyay.mp3
Tarini Khuro Er G0lp0 - Maharaja 0 Tarini Khuro— Satyajit Roy.mp3--Link will be updated soon
Tiktikir Dim - Saradindu Bandopadhyay.mp3--Link will be updated soon

Tribute to Mr. Satyajit Ray by Shyam Benegal..See the Youtube Link

Awesome Ringtones From Bollywood: Ringtones Link

Awesome Ringtones From Bollywood: Ringtones Link: Paa Theme Paa theme from the film Paa Saans_JthJ_Flute Saans Theme in Flute Saans_JthJ_Sargam Saans Theme in Sargam Remaining Ring...

Movies link of 450 MB

Ringtones Link

Paa Theme

Paa theme from the film Paa


Saans Theme in Flute


Saans Theme in Sargam

Remaining Ringtones will e updated soon